Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Spud Diner

It was a sizzling hot day in August. We swiftly walked into the cool, air conditioned mall, hoping to find relief from the heat. We met the cool, relaxing air graciously and sighed happily. It was far from the time we usually ate dinner yet we were feeling hungry. We walked around the mall, hoping to find an eligible restaurant to dine in.
By the time we decided to go up to the top floor of the mall we were already exhausted. Most of the restaurants were either too common or too expensive and we were losing hope of finding a new and cheap restaurant. We were about to give up when I spotted a green logo twinkling above all others. My eyes widened in delight as I read, “ The Spud Diner.”
I found that all of the dishes they served there were made out of my favorite root crop. There were various versions of my favorite dishes. Fries, potato lasagna, everything potato was there. I was excited to have a taste of the various potato dishes.
Their food was delicious and wonderfully presented. None of it seemed like it was slapped on the plate and then served. You could see how carefully it was cooked and presented. The Spud Diner is truly a place to come back to.

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