Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sir Spudd Taters, Protector of the Belly.

As I watch old movies, I often wonder why potatoes are sometimes treated as peasant food. It seems that in olden times, as portrayed in the movies, people considered the mighty potato to be lowly and unpleasant. Most people don’t know that in history, Marie Antoinette and Louis XVII actually wore the potato blossoms on their clothes daily to advertise this marvelous spud.
So why would they advertise the vegetable that people consider as lowly? What would their reasons be? They were part of nobility yet they encouraged all to eat the potato. They themselves ate the potato. Did they have an ulterior motive in endorsing the potato or did they have a good cause for their actions?
The potato would have had a good effect in the society in which Marie Antoinette and Louise XVII lived in. the potato could have alleviated the famine and lack of food. And since the potato has a lot of nutritional value, the people would have had more strength to work.
The potato may seem frail and useless and unworthy to some people’s noble taste. But remember that even royalty give honor and praise to the potato. We too, must respect them and know their true value. And that is why I like to call them Sir Spudd Taters, protector of the Belly.

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