Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Potatoes in an Instant

It was a day full of joy and excitement. Our allowance had just arrived and we would finally be able to get something that we had long waited for. Today was the day that we would finally get some groceries.
We walked through the aisles, grabbing various food supplies. Cereal, milk, noodles, hotdogs, and meat were all crammed in our basket. When we finally thought we had everything we needed, we walked toward the cashier. And that’s when I saw it.
It was a nice yellow box, standing solitary on the shelf. It seemed to be shining amongst all of the other stuff around it, beckoning me to come and take it away. Large, red letters screamed out loud to me, calling for my attention. “Macy’s Instant Mashed Potatoes,” it said. “ POTATOOOES!” it echoed in my head.
                I immediately picked it up and placed it in the basket. I held my breath until it was safely put in the plastic bag. Soon, we were heading home with a box of mouth watering potatoes. I went to bed with a big smile on my face.
                In the morning I jumped out of my bed, immediately heading to the kitchen and picking up the box. I was hungry and excited. I began to read the instructions on the box. It told me to add hot water, butter , milk and salt to a cup of the potato flakes. I heated up the water and impatiently began to dump the stuff in the bowl. Quickly, I stirred the mixture.
                I stared at the product of my labors and sat at the table. My mouth watered at the sight. I took a spoonful  and placed it in my mouth. The flavors burst in my mouth, leaving me breathless. The smooth and even texture tickled my tongue as I savored every single particle of potato. It was creamy, salty, and heavenly. I felt as if I could finally die in peace.

          That was when I realized that potatoes were always delicious, whether they were instant or not. The fact that they were going instant made it much more appealing to the non-cooking society. And so the mighty potatoes continue to dominate the earth.

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