Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Doctor Spud

It was just a few minutes after noon. I was bored beyond comprehension and at a loss on what to do. I sighed and decided to borrow a friend’s laptop, hoping to find something new about the revolutionary root crop that I admired. I opened the browser and typed my favorite word in.
As I scrolled through the window I saw an interesting link. I moved the cursor slowly and clicked the link. I waited impatiently as the page loaded. Slowly, the words and images began appearing on the screen. My eyes widened in surprise.
As I read the article from, I realized that the potato was not only used for cooking and eating, but also for medicinal purposes. It was like a magical healer or a doctor. With just a slice of the spud and patience, one could make a wart disappear. Even summer freckles would give way with just a little potato.

Got a first degree burn? A potato can fix that! Indigestion, heart burn, bellyaches, all of that could disappear with just a small amount of potato. The amazing doctor can fix it all. And with your illnesses he will dominate the world.

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