Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Health Conspiracy

I sat down in a dark room, staring at the bright computer screen situated in front of me. My eyes darted furiously across the screen. My hand quickly scrolled the window. These facts and figures could guide me through my journey of finding the truth about this conspiracy.
The consumption of potatoes everywhere in the world is very high. With the large variety of delicious dishes made from potatoes, one could eat potatoes for a year and never get sick of them. This would lead me to think that potatoes would contribute largely on the fat and calories in the average diet of an adult. But according to the information found in nationalpotatocouncil.org, potatoes in all forms contribute less than 3 percent of calories in an adult’s diet.
In potatogoodness.com, I also read that a medium sized potato actually has only 110 calories. It is even sodium, fat, and cholesterol free. These facts actually disprove the common human mind’s theory that potatoes are unhealthy and fattening. In truth, they are actually perfect for healthy living.
Sadly, the way human beings prepare potatoes for food causes them to lose some of its nutritional value and adds fat and cholesterol to it. Thirty seven percent of potatoes are utilized as frozen fries which are fried in hot vats of oil and served daily. The fat and unhealthiness of the oil adheres to the potato and makes it into the unhealthy beast that all of us eat. Thus the theory of unhealthy spuds is born.

Is the unhealthy preparation of potatoes in the current society the result of human stupidity? Is it because of the laziness of the human race? Or is it actually a grand master plan to overthrow the potato from its magnificent throne and remove its desirability? We will never know.

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