Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sir Spudd Taters, Protector of the Belly.

As I watch old movies, I often wonder why potatoes are sometimes treated as peasant food. It seems that in olden times, as portrayed in the movies, people considered the mighty potato to be lowly and unpleasant. Most people don’t know that in history, Marie Antoinette and Louis XVII actually wore the potato blossoms on their clothes daily to advertise this marvelous spud.
So why would they advertise the vegetable that people consider as lowly? What would their reasons be? They were part of nobility yet they encouraged all to eat the potato. They themselves ate the potato. Did they have an ulterior motive in endorsing the potato or did they have a good cause for their actions?
The potato would have had a good effect in the society in which Marie Antoinette and Louise XVII lived in. the potato could have alleviated the famine and lack of food. And since the potato has a lot of nutritional value, the people would have had more strength to work.
The potato may seem frail and useless and unworthy to some people’s noble taste. But remember that even royalty give honor and praise to the potato. We too, must respect them and know their true value. And that is why I like to call them Sir Spudd Taters, protector of the Belly.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Potatoes and Progress

The potato is a very healthy crop and is eaten throughout the world. Nations are encouraged by the European Union to replace their staple crops with the potato since they are relatively easy to grow and have high harvest rate. It would be so much better if everyone ate potatoes every day. Sadly, they don’t. One would wonder why.
The answer lies in the climate of the areas they are to be grown. Potatoes only thrive in cool climates and so the number of places it can be grown in is very limited. Many countries would be unable to grow them in their own soil. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. This solution is what we call export.
A number of countries require export goods to meet the demand of this mighty spud. This promotes income in countries that can produce more potatoes than other countries. One would think that since the potato producing countries gain more money from the potato consumers, they would be more advanced and successful.  This is not so.

Japan, one of the most successful and advanced counties in the world, is actually the top export market in the world. So why aren’t the potato producing countries progressing more? Does the amount of potato consumed by the citizens affect progress? Or is this theory just a fantasy I have formed in my head? Your guess is as good as mine.

Health Conspiracy

I sat down in a dark room, staring at the bright computer screen situated in front of me. My eyes darted furiously across the screen. My hand quickly scrolled the window. These facts and figures could guide me through my journey of finding the truth about this conspiracy.
The consumption of potatoes everywhere in the world is very high. With the large variety of delicious dishes made from potatoes, one could eat potatoes for a year and never get sick of them. This would lead me to think that potatoes would contribute largely on the fat and calories in the average diet of an adult. But according to the information found in, potatoes in all forms contribute less than 3 percent of calories in an adult’s diet.
In, I also read that a medium sized potato actually has only 110 calories. It is even sodium, fat, and cholesterol free. These facts actually disprove the common human mind’s theory that potatoes are unhealthy and fattening. In truth, they are actually perfect for healthy living.
Sadly, the way human beings prepare potatoes for food causes them to lose some of its nutritional value and adds fat and cholesterol to it. Thirty seven percent of potatoes are utilized as frozen fries which are fried in hot vats of oil and served daily. The fat and unhealthiness of the oil adheres to the potato and makes it into the unhealthy beast that all of us eat. Thus the theory of unhealthy spuds is born.

Is the unhealthy preparation of potatoes in the current society the result of human stupidity? Is it because of the laziness of the human race? Or is it actually a grand master plan to overthrow the potato from its magnificent throne and remove its desirability? We will never know.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Perfect Lasagna

I sat down quietly as I stared at the intircately presented plate in front of me. Instead of the usual pasta with meat, cheese and sauce, my lasagna had a different ingredient. I wondered how it would taste, considering that it did not have the pasta. What would lasagna be without pasta?
I slowly picked up my fork and pressed it firmly on the slice of lasagna, breaking off a piece. I set the piece on top of my fork and slowly placed it in my mouth. As I chewed, burst of flavour and texture slid into my puny mouth. The rough tecture of the meat mixed with the smooth texture of the sauce. The salty cheese created a whirlwind of emotions. But what was this?
A slightly rough texture could be felt inside my mouth. It created balance and harmony within it as the meat, sauce, and cheese mixed. It balanced out the saltiness of the dish. It was the ingredient that made this lasagna perfect.

I wondered what kind of ingredient could make my lasagna as wonderful as it was. Then it dawned over me that there could only be one ingredient. And that was the almighty potato, ruler of the rootcrops.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Unseen Beauty

        Many people would say that the potato looks dull, ugly, like a piece of poo. They do not look as artful  as a carrot or a tomato would. Not many people draw them because of their dull and ugly image. I mean, what can you find pretty in a lump of brown stuff?
       For me, everything about it is beautiful. The delicate brown skin,  the subtle curves of its irregular shape, even the solid inner flesh. The artfulness of it cannot be measured by the simplicity of the usual human mind.
       Very few of the well known artists considered the potato as a worthy subject for drawing. But there is one artist who dedicated many of his sketches to the magnificent potato. That artist is Vincent Van Gogh.
       Yes, this great master was able to comprehend that the potato is actually the epitome of beauty. His delicate and complex mind was able to see what others could not. Sure, his mental health was not in the best condition. But sometimes only the insane can see the truth.
       To all the artists out there: do not underestimate the simple potato. It may be the most beautiful thing you’ll ever draw.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Pretty Up, Potato!

 The mystery of the potato is that it is involved with almost any field of interest that the human mind can concieve. The potato can be beneficial in the fields of medicine, culinary arts, and even beauty. Yes, you read that right. Beauty.
In, I discovered that potatoes can actually be used to highlight grey hair. All you have to do is boil some of it’s skin and use the water as a shampoo regularly and you could have beautifully highlighted grey hair. It’s a cheap and easy way to get natural highlights  on your grey little heads.
Another thing I discovered is that potatoes can make your wrinkles fade away. With a daily wash of potato juice, your face would have a nice glow and less wrinkles. It can also remove face blemishes, lessen the tired look in your eyes, and even whiten your skin.
Potato masks, potato wash, potato juice, potato hair dye; all these can help anyone who wants to pretty up without wasting all their money on expensive stuff. Just grab the almighty spud from the kitchen and pretty up. That is the power of the majestic spud. And that is the reason why we must praise it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Doctor Spud

It was just a few minutes after noon. I was bored beyond comprehension and at a loss on what to do. I sighed and decided to borrow a friend’s laptop, hoping to find something new about the revolutionary root crop that I admired. I opened the browser and typed my favorite word in.
As I scrolled through the window I saw an interesting link. I moved the cursor slowly and clicked the link. I waited impatiently as the page loaded. Slowly, the words and images began appearing on the screen. My eyes widened in surprise.
As I read the article from, I realized that the potato was not only used for cooking and eating, but also for medicinal purposes. It was like a magical healer or a doctor. With just a slice of the spud and patience, one could make a wart disappear. Even summer freckles would give way with just a little potato.

Got a first degree burn? A potato can fix that! Indigestion, heart burn, bellyaches, all of that could disappear with just a small amount of potato. The amazing doctor can fix it all. And with your illnesses he will dominate the world.