Friday, August 2, 2013

The Potato Conspiracy

 I sat quietly in the corner of the restaurant, eyeing my surroundings curiously. Everyone was chatting, chewing, sighing, and seemingly unaware of the great presence among them. That presence seemed frail and weak as they held it in their fingertips and chewed it in their puny mouths. In their fingertips they held something that could change the course of the future: the infamous Solanum tuberosum, commonly known as the potato.
                 It has been thousands of years since the potato was first cultivated by the Inca-Indians in Peru and since then it has spread throughout Europe and the world. Its charm has allowed it to gain popularity throughout the world and gain power over many. It even rivals the three largest food crops in the world, namely rice, wheat, and maize. In fact it has become the fourth most important staple food in the world today. The European Union even recommends the Asian countries to replace rice with potatoes as a staple food.
                Many say that it can be the solution for world hunger and poverty. It is said that it takes less effort to grow and cultivate potatoes and it can be used for a large variety of purposes. It is the most transformative crop that has ever existed.
                Sadly, not everything about this majestic root crop is good. When the potato was first introduced in Europe many people became suspicious of it. Many of the religious leaders during that time denounced it because it was not mentioned in the bible. Some even thought it was poisonous. Until now many people think that potatoes are bad for one’s health.
                Many of the articles that I’ve read on the internet say that the potatoes can cause diabetes and other health issues. They say that although it is rich in B vitamins and essential minerals it is merely a chunk of calories that can make you fat.
“So what would happen if the potatoes were to suddenly disappear?” I asked myself as I chewed on a handful of fries. As of now, it is the staple food of many countries. It has also become widely popular in the world. Many of our favorite dishes are made of potatoes. Fries, mashed potatoes, potato salad. All of those would be gone forever if the all the potatoes disappeared.
In 1845 and 1846, a disease ruined most of the potato crop in Ireland and caused major devastation. Many of the Irish were forced to move out of the country in search for food. That horrible event was called the Irish Potato famine. It may be a sample of what is to happen if all the potatoes disappear from the face of the earth.
If someone had control over the potato supply of the earth they would be able to control a large portion of the world population. They would have the whole world wrapped around their fingers. The power of potatoes is so great that one could rule over the world with it. With it, one could start a revolution, a war, or even a conspiracy.

The mysteries and possibilities of the potato are great and one cannot comprehend it all in one sitting. I slowly began to stand from the table, still lost in thought. As I walked out of the restaurant, I marveled at all the wonders that the potato could make. I smiled to myself and thought, “To be continued.”